VHF Channel 09
Coast Guard Channel 16
Corinthian Yacht Club is a private club and is open to members and their guests.
For visiting sailors, CYC can be hailed on VHF channel 9 upon approach.
Email Jack Carney, Dockmaster Email Roger Hastings, Assistant Dockmaster

Launch Service
Launch service is provided daily from 8:00am to 11:00pm during the official season. Service hours at other times are posted at the pier head. The use of marine VHF-FM radio Channel 9 to request launch service is encouraged. The audible signal is two blasts of a horn. The service area for launch operations is from the mouth of the harbor to a line between Pleon and Boston Yacht Clubs. Service beyond this line is on a limited basis.
Launches may be operated only by individuals holding the appropriate valid USCG license and acting as employees or agents of the Club.
Use of Launches
Launches may not be used for towing, pumping, or other individual service, except in the case of emergency or special circumstance where service to members being transported will not be affected.
Use of the Floats
Main Float
The main float is reserved for use by Club launches and Race Committee vessels.
Auxiliary Floats
Boats of members and guests may be tied up at the auxiliary floats for a reasonable period of time to take on or discharge passengers and supplies.
There is a 15-minute tie-up limit on weekends and holidays and during special events; vessels may not be left unattended during these times. Vessels may not be tied to the auxiliary floats overnight without the approval of the Dock Master.
The last side float is reserved for Junior Sailing Program use Monday through Thursday, 8:00am-5:00pm. Permanent tie-ups at the rear of the auxiliary floats, dry sailing spaces, and dinghy storage spaces are available for a yearly fee.

Use of the Launching Hoist
- Operation of the hoist is allowed only for members who already hold an ‘in-house licenses.'
- Waterfront employees are not available to assist with the hoist at this time.
- Self-cleaning protocols are required for members who use the hoist or other parts of the crane pier.
Note: The list of members with ‘in-house licenses’ is available upon request as a reference tool for unlicensed members who are seeking assistance.