The word “Etiquette” has immediate connotations (and not all of them good), but actually, it is a fundamental element of any group, large or small. It simply refers to a common set of norms for conduct and social interactions. It doesn’t mean that a club with etiquette guidelines is high-brow or snooty. It informs all members of the group what is expected in order to allow all to enjoy. Guidelines, policies, rules . . . whatever we call them, essentially create a culture of consideration. Below are ours.

Cell Phone Usage
Cell phones are an integral part of the way we communicate and stay in contact with others. In a group setting, one person’s usage should not hinder another’s enjoyment of the surroundings. Here are our guidelines for cell phone usage that are designed to keep everyone’s best interest in mind.
Please no telephone calls, videos or other audible noises inside any Club buildings or outdoor spaces, especially on the porch.
Silent cell phone usage, such as texting or sharing photographs is allowed as long as it is discreet and minimal.
Cell phone conversations on Club property are permitted in the open air outside and away from the buildings and entertainment areas.
Prior to 6:00 PM, Casual attire (as defined below) is acceptable throughout the Clubhouse and on the Porch, seven days a week. After 6:00 PM, Business Casual attire is required throughout the Clubhouse and on the Porch, seven days a week. All events that require Formal or Cocktail attire (as defined below) will be noted in the invitation and notice for the event.
Hats are not permitted inside the Clubhouse at any time.
Tennis attire—Whites are required on the courts at all times.
Casual Attire
Boating and sailing attire and neat T-shirts. Swimming or bathing attire is not appropriate, regardless of gender, without a proper cover-up, which must be long enough to cover the swim attire and not made of see-through or mesh material.
Business Casual Attire
Collared shirts, khakis, resort shorts, skirts, or slacks, resort shoes, and dressy jeans (jeans that are not ripped, frayed, patched, or otherwise distressed). Tennis whites are acceptable.
Cocktail Attire
Jacket and tie, or collared shirt with jacket optional and appropriate dress pants for men with the corresponding appropriate attire for women. Typical events include Opening Night, Closing Night, and Guest Chef Nights.
Formal Attire
At special events, so designated -- Defined as black tie for men and corresponding formal wear for women. Typical events include the Commodore’s Ball.

Pets must be on leashes at all times while on Club property. They are only allowed in the Clubhouse or on the porch if they are designated and approved as a service pet. Kindly encourage your pet to relieve itself before entering the Club premises.
Smoking is not permitted in the Clubhouse, on the Porch, on Clubhouse grounds, or in the launches.
- The designated handicapped spaces are available only to vehicles displaying a HP plate or a disability-parking placard.
- Parking in the main gated lot is for members only.
- Those who park in no-parking areas, block access, or park in loading areas for more than the permitted time may have their vehicles tagged, towed (reluctantly at the owner’s expense), or other disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the Bylaws.
- Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests comply with posted parking signs and rules.
- Boat trailers may be left on Club premises only with the prior approval of the Dockmaster.
- Overnight parking is restricted to the main gated parking lot.
- Emergency and Special Club Event Parking-the Club reserves the right to restrict access to parking due to emergency or special events.